Our references

SEALINK sell or rent data buoys with a training.

The operation is simple and intuitive, no expertise is needed.

Deployments at sea with divers and maintenance can also be proposed.

Continuous turbidity monitoring with four data buoys over three years at the Nouvelle Route du Littoral construction site on Reunion Island for COLAS.

Monitoring of pH and dissolved oxygen in the marine environment for Bouygues TP

Water quality monitoring in the Gulf of Hendaye for effluent monitoring, Ocean Tech and Suez environnement

Turbidity monitoring on several port dredging sites

Continuous wave monitoring for two years on the coasts of Reunion Island for DEAL and BRGM

Reef monitoring for 6 months with a connected real-time underwater observation station for CSR


To know more about Sealink data buoys, technical informations, capabilities, or any commercial questions, feel free to contact us.